Shenao Zhang

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Northwestern University, advised by Prof. Zhaoran Wang. I received my M.S. degree from Georgia Tech, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Tuo Zhao and Prof. Bo Dai. I obtained my Bachelor's degree from South China University of Technology and visited Berkeley EECS during my undergrad.
Previously, I was a Student Researcher at Microsoft GenAI working with Donghan Yu. I also interned at ByteDance AML, Microsoft Research, and Tencent AI Lab.

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My research centers around Large Language Models (LLMs) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). I’m currently interested in the efficient alignment of LLMs with RLHF, studying active synthetic data generation and more capable training algorithms. Previously, I built autonomous LLM agents and developed data-efficient decision-making algorithms with applications to robotic and multi-agent systems.

(* indicates equal contribution, indicates equal advising)

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Self-Exploring Language Models: Active Preference Elicitation for Online Alignment

Shenao Zhang, Donghan Yu, Hiteshi Sharma, Ziyi Yang, Shuohang Wang, Hany Hassan, Zhaoran Wang
ICML AutoRL Workshop, 2024 (Best Paper Award)
paper / code / models / tweet /

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Provably Mitigating Overoptimization in RLHF: Your SFT Loss is Implicitly an Adversarial Regularizer

Zhihan Liu*, Miao Lu*, Shenao Zhang, Boyi Liu, Hongyi Guo, Yingxiang Yang, Jose Blanchet, Zhaoran Wang
ICML ARLET Workshop, 2024
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Reason for Future, Act for Now: A Principled Framework for Autonomous LLM Agents with Provable Sample Efficiency

Zhihan Liu*, Hao Hu*, Shenao Zhang*, Hongyi Guo, Shuqi Ke, Boyi Liu, Zhaoran Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
paper / code / website / tweet /

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Adaptive-Gradient Policy Optimization: Enhancing Policy Learning in Non-Smooth Differentiable Simulations

Feng Gao*, Liangzhi Shi*, Shenao Zhang, Zhaoran Wang, Yi Wu
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
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Model-Based Reparameterization Policy Gradient Methods: Theory and Practical Algorithms

Shenao Zhang, Boyi Liu, Zhaoran Wang, Tuo Zhao
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
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Maximize to Explore: One Objective Function Fusing Estimation, Planning, and Exploration

Zhihan Liu*, Miao Lu*, Wei Xiong*, Han Zhong, Hao Hu, Shenao Zhang, Sirui Zheng, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023 (Spotlight)
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Adaptive Barrier Smoothing for First-Order Policy Gradient with Contact Dynamics

Shenao Zhang, Wanxin Jin, Zhaoran Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023
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Conservative Dual Policy Optimization for Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Shenao Zhang
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
paper / video / website / poster / video /

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Learning Meta Representation for Agents in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Shenao Zhang, Li Shen, Lei Han, Li Shen
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs), 2023 (Oral)
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How Can LLM Guide RL? A Value-Based Approach

Shenao Zhang*, Sirui Zheng*, Shuqi Ke, Zhihan Liu, Wanxin Jin, Jianbo Yuan, Yingxiang Yang, Hongxia Yang, Zhaoran Wang
Preprint, 2023
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Asking Before Action: Gather Information in Embodied Decision Making with Language Models

Xiaoyu Chen, Shenao Zhang, Pushi Zhang, Li Zhao, Jianyu Chen
Preprint, 2023
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Structure-Regularized Attention for Deformable Object Representation

Shenao Zhang, Li Shen, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu
NeurIPS Workshop on Object Representations for Learning and Reasoning, 2020
paper / code / website / poster /

Professional Service

Conference Review: NeurIPS 2020-24, ICLR 2022-24, ICML 2022-24, AISTATS 2022-24, RSS 2021.

Journal Review: Neurocomputing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).


Graduate Teaching Assistant: Head TA of CS 7648: Interactive Robot Learning (Fall 2021) at Georgia Tech.

Source code from Jon Barron's website